Advice – Advice & Assistance

Combining our know-how with actively taking your input into consideration, our engineers and technicians, together with our R&D and DO teams, study with you your request for the development, improvement or transformation of a part (mechanically-welded part to castings). These studies are carried out while taking your specifications into account.

We provide advice and propose solutions that integrate: cost, quality and production timescales.

We advise our customers within the framework of studies to improve or transform parts. We also provide assistance to our customers during workshops with their internal departments (DO, R&D, marketing, commercial, etc.) and during presentations for parts and assemblies. We can also provide assistance during technical and commercial discussions with your clients, service providers and suppliers.

Do not hesitate to call on our know-how as foundrymen during your design phase so as to increase feasibility, speed and savings. Between actively paying attention to your input and our experience, we create a lasting partnership that sees us supporting you and allows you to satisfy your own customers, whether internal or external.

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